At BDO Malta, we believe that we have a responsibility towards our community and the people involved in them. We are committed to being a responsible business and continuously try to help contribute to the wider community and the world around us.
This philosophy towards BDO’s corporate social responsibility is aligned with BDO’s values and our desire to be actively involved in the hopes of making a long-lasting positive impact. Our involvement in the community includes both financial support and the investment of our people’s expertise and time in organisations and causes.
Every year, especially around Christmas, BDO in Malta make a special effort to assist those in need in the community, as part of the annual firm's corporate social responsibility plan.
You can find below a list of NGOs and charities that we have supported as part of our firm's CSR plan:
Children's dreams: Children’s Dreams is a project with the sole mission of making the Christmas wishes come true for children in need. and that come from families facing social and financial difficulty, and also children being raised in children's homes.
NahsebFik: This project, “NahsebFik”, publishes the wishes of elderly people who are lonely and face various social difficulties and possibly have health issues. Our team steps in to support these initiatives and grant wishes by purchasing gifts for the elderly and children. The gifts are collected at the firm's office and then delivered by the team to the local distribution centres.
Foodbank Lifeline foundation: Foodbank Lifeline Foundation was set up by Reverend Kim Hurst in 2015 when a member of her congregation saw someone searching for food in a public rubbish bin. Upon hearing that no foodbank existed in Malta she made it her mission to ensure that no one in Malta had to suffer the indignity of hunger. From feeding 30 families a month when we first opened, we are now feeding thousands of people every year