IFRB 2025/01 31 December 2024 Year-end IFRS Accounting Standards Update

BDO has released IFR Bulletin 2025/01 summarising the activities in standard setting by the IASB during the year 2024.

The Bulletin provides a concise list of standards and amendments that became effective during the last year or will become effective in the coming years. It also provides a snapshot of the IASB’s standard setting projects, maintenance projects and research projects as well as IFRS Interpretation Committee’s activities, including IFRIC agenda decisions.

This IFR Bulletin summarises the activities in standard setting as they relate to entities that apply IFRS Accounting Standards. It also includes summaries of standards that have been issued but are not yet effective. Entities must prepare for the implementation of these new standards and amendments and prepare disclosures of these future changes and known or reasonably estimable information about how 
the financial statements will be affected in the period of initial application (IAS 8.30). 

This IFR Bulletin also contains summaries of recent publications and resources issued by BDO, which may assist entities in preparing their financial statements in accordance with IFRS. 

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