BDO has published its 31 December 2024 Illustrative IFRS Financial Statements. This update includes disclosures relating to the adoption of amendments to IAS 1, IAS 7 and IFRS 7 amongst others, as well as information about other standards that have been issued, but are not yet effective.
The effect of current and potential climate-related risks and opportunities remain a significant focus for financial statement preparers, investors, and regulators. Investors and regulators are seeking clear evidence that climateduring the preparation of financial statements.
IFRS Accounting Standards require entities to disclose information that enables users to understand the effect financial performance.
In this scenario, entities should ensure that there is a consistency between the climate-related uncertainties and mitigation efforts discussed in management commentary, sustainability reports, or public statements and those reflected in financial statement estimates, judgements, and disclosures, as required by IFRS Accounting Standards.