Useful ISO 27001 Information for Gaming Companies
Useful ISO 27001 Information for Gaming Companies
Organisational and supply chain risk is growing, and gaming regulation is on the increase. Financial and reputational consequences mean gaming leaders can no longer take information security on trust. They need certainty, both within their own organisations and from their suppliers and partners. This is leading to widespread adoption of ISO 27001, the internationally recognised best practice framework for information security management.
Be prepared! Organisational and supply chain risk is growing, and gaming regulation is on the increase.
Financial and reputational consequences mean gaming leaders can no longer take information security on trust. They need certainty, both within their own organisations and from their suppliers and partners. This is leading to widespread adoption of ISO 27001, the internationally recognised best practice framework for information security management.
The implementation of an information security management system (ISMS) based on the international standard ISO 27001 clearly demonstrates all interested parties, such as clients and regulatory bodies, that your organisation takes information security seriously and does as much as possible to reduce identified risks to an minimum level and manages them effectively. In fact, several jurisdictions currently waive certain security auditing requirements if licence holders are ISO 27001 certified, enabling the independent regulatory testing and certification process to be expedited with potentially significant cost savings, less effort, and a quicker time to market.
Professional assistance from a qualified ISO 27001 consultant will ensure that the process is conducted to the highest standard of best practice, while saving significantly on both time and cost. That is because a specialist consultant has the experience and expertise to address the ISMS issues and all its additional complexities, with no false starts or unnecessary steps, thereby saving you both time and money.
BDO is here to help!
With our qualified, experienced professionals, we can support you both in the establishment of such an information security management system and in auditing existing systems.
An interesting discussion about ISO 27001 and Cybersecurity between BDO Head of Technology Advisory, Ivan Spiteri and Leo Vegas Group Head of Information Security, Donald Tabone.