Data Governance & Privacy

Achieve GDPR compliance & data protection

Data Governance & Privacy

In recent years, the explosion of data has created new, unprecedented business challenges, including increased risk and cost. Holistic information governance programs allow an organization to manage data and information in a top-down approach – from executives to the staff – while safeguarding its use and ensuring compliance. At BDO Malta, our Data Governance and Privacy team focuses on managing risk and identifying hidden value in our clients’ data and information. We help organisations identify, manage, categorize, protect, and optimize their data from its inception to its final disposition, providing true marketplace advantages.

Regulations are driving more stringent governance requirements. At the center of these regulations is the ability for an organization to understand where its data resides, how it’s managed, who can access it, and how it can be defensibly destroyed. Using established methodologies and technologies, BDO’s multidisciplinary team finds ways to reduce an enterprise’s digital footprint while developing strategies to maximize value. 

Our Data Governance and Privact Services include:


Built with privacy in mind, BDO Malta provides a full suite of services and leading technologies. We can reduce your overhead, manage your risks, and find value in your information.
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Our Key Experts

Ivan Spiteri Director

Ivan Spiteri

Director of Technology Advisory & Assurance
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