BDO Malta Transparency Report 2022

We are pleased to introduce you to the BDO Malta Transparency Report that covers the financial year that ended on the 31 December 2022.

We are pleased to introduce you to the BDO Malta Transparency Report that covers the financial year that ended on the 31 December 2022.

Building resilience in a world of disruption

Despite the various challenges faced in 2022 outside our control, we remain committed to providing exceptional service to our clients. We are proud to report that despite the economic uncertainties and global disruptions around us, we have seen a 14.3% increase in fee income compared to the previous year. This is a testament to our clients' continued trust in our services and our ability to deliver value in the face of adverse economic conditions.

We are grateful to our clients for their support and trust in us. We understand that our clients rely on us to deliver timely and professional services, and we are committed to meeting and exceeding their expectations. We are also grateful to our staff for their dedication and hard work in delivering exceptional service to our clients.

At BDO Malta, we understand that our success is ultimately driven by the success of our clients. We are committed to building long-term, trusted relationships with our clients, and delivering services that help them achieve their goals. We remain confident in our ability to continue delivering exceptional service and value to our clients, and we look forward to partnering with them as they navigate the evolving business landscape.

Nurturing a culture of excellence and quality

Our people are our most valuable resource. We are committed to investing in their growth and development to meet the increasing demand for our services.

Our culture at BDO Malta ensures that a professional and qualitative service is always provided to all clients, and we take great pride in our commitment to quality management and procedures. We have implemented rigorous quality control processes and are committed to continuously improving our services to ensure that we are delivering the highest quality work to our clients.

Publication date: 27 April 2023

Key Contacts

Andrea Kis BDO Malta

Andrea Kis

Senior Quality Manager
View bio
John Attard BDO Malta

John Attard

Senior Managing Partner
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