
Discover Malta's thriving aviation industry. BDO offers comprehensive services for aircraft registration, legal, tax, and more.

Aviation & Aircraft Registration

Over recent years, the aviation industry in Malta has witnessed a remarkable growth and to date, the aircraft registry has registered over 700 aircrafts, making it one of Europe’s fastest-growing aviation registers. The industry is a major contributor to the Maltese economy, and over the years, continued investment has been made in the various sectors that comprise it, including aircraft maintenance and repairs, research and development, call-centre operations, back-office support, flight training, financial services, ICT services, and research and development on unmanned aerial vehicles.


In this dynamic landscape, BDO is well-equipped to provide comprehensive aviation services suited to the specific needs of businesses operating in Malta. Our experienced team combines in-depth business knowledge with a thorough awareness of local legislation, ensuring that clients receive unrivalled assistance in navigating the complexities of the aviation industry.


How can BDO help?

Our services include the following:

  • Air Operation Certificate ('AOC') and Air Operation Licence ('AOL') registrations
  • Assistance in relation to crew employment and payroll matters


Want to know more?

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