Ensuring Compliance Across Borders for Gaming Operators

Operating a gaming business across multiple jurisdictions presents specific regulatory challenges that require precision & expertise.

Multijurisdictional Gaming Compliance

We understand that no two jurisdictions are the same, and every gaming business has unique challenges. Each region has its own set of rules, and failure to comply can lead to significant penalties, reputational damage, or operational disruptions. Thus, ensuring your business adheres to compliance and legal requirements is fundamental to long-term success and essential for business continuity and trust. 

Why Multijurisdictional Gaming Compliance Matters

By obtaining gaming licenses in Malta, UKGC, Ireland, Romania, Isle of Man, Ontario and beyond, you can gain access to vibrant and lucrative markets with tremendous growth potential; however, with gaming regulations constantly evolving, maintaining gaming compliance across regions can become complex. 

Our Services

By working with our team, you can operate with confidence, knowing your compliance responsibilities are met, your business is protected, and your focus remains on growth.  With a global network of partners and contacts, we have the resources and connections to facilitate your expansion into new markets seamlessly so that you can navigate unfamiliar territory with confidence. Whether you’re expanding into new markets, operating across borders, or managing a high volume of regulatory obligations, our team can provide you with comprehensive support to help gaming operators simplify their regulatory obligations across multiple markets, streamlining compliance processes and reducing risks. 

Here's how we, together with our partners, can assist you:
  • Expert Guidance: Our team of legal and regulatory experts specializes in navigating the complexities of gaming license applications. We'll provide you with step-by-step guidance throughout the process, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations. Where applicable, we will also provide you with and assist you in completing the necessary templates of all forms and documents requested. We help you design and implement policies and procedures that address jurisdiction-specific requirements while maintaining consistency across your operations. From licensing conditions to player protection mandates, we map out the specific needs of your business.
  • Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, and our approach reflects that. We'll work closely with you to understand your specific needs and develop customized strategies to maximize your chances of success. We will also bring to your attention any benefits which will be applicable to your business. We help you design and implement policies and procedures that address jurisdiction-specific requirements while maintaining consistency across your operations.
  • Risk Assessment: Identifying regulatory risks is key to avoiding disruptions. We perform thorough assessments of your business operations, pinpointing areas where compliance may be at risk and delivering actionable solutions to address any gaps.Ongoing Monitoring and Support: Regulations in the gaming industry can shift rapidly. Our team provides ongoing monitoring to identify changes in the regulatory landscape that could impact your operations. We keep your compliance systems up to date, mitigating risks of non-compliance and penalties.
  • Efficiency and Expediency: Time is of the essence in the competitive gaming industry. Our extensive experience has enabled us to streamline processes and efficient workflows are designed to expedite the application process, minimizing delays and maximizing your time to market.

Compliance is non-negotiable in the gaming industry. Our comprehensive approach to risk management ensures that your operations remain above board, minimizing the risk of regulatory issues down the line.

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Key Contacts

Cherise Micallef BDO Malta

Cherise Micallef

Gaming Compliance Consultant
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