Quantitative Risk Analysis

Manage risks effectively.

Organisations can be faced with instances in which they require to evaluate the financial or numerical impact of the risks they are facing. Quantitative risk analysis is a numeric estimate of the overall effect of risk on the organisation’s objectives. The results provide insight into the likelihood of the success in achieving the targeted objective. Business decisions are rarely made with all the information or data that organisations desire. For more critical decisions, quantitative risk analysis provides more objective information and data than the qualitative analysis. 


BDO can assist organisations in applying quantitative risk analysis and evaluating their financial impact by providing the following services:

  • Market and Credit Risk

Assisting organisations in asset level reviews, analytics and cash-flow modeling, structural and document review, and post-closing compliance testing.


  • Capital Management, Liquidity and Treasury Risk

Transforming organisations’ treasury and commodity trading capabilities.


  • Accounting and Financial Reporting Risk

Assisting organisations with changes in accounting and regulatory requirements, capital markets transactions, acquisition, and divestiture transactions.


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