Whistleblower Protection Training

Providing awareness and training in relation to whistleblower protection and, in particular, to internal reporting channels which are company-specific, is key in complying with the applicable regulations. This while ensuring that the documented framework in place is consistent across the organisation. It is, therefore, essential for top management to ensure the availability of professional resources having the required expertise to train its employees. 

Possessing the best-designed and documented whistleblower protection framework and internal reporting channels is not enough. These are required to be implemented in practice by the Whistleblower Officer/Unit and the organisation’s employees, if required, in order to be effective. The content and effectiveness of the training provided by professionals in the area will therefore be critical to the success or failure of an organization’s established whistleblower protection framework.


Our Whistleblower Protection Services for You

BDO Malta can assist organisations by providing whistleblower protection training. The scope of this training is to provide internal and extended employees with an overview of their rights and obligations in terms of reporting internal breaches, including data protection, money laundering, tax evasion and corruption within the workplace.


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