The Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA) released on 5th August 2022, the Corporate Governance Code for Authorised Entities.
The Code promotes values such as integrity, accountability, efficient decision-making, and transparency. These values are modeled into comprehensive guidelines that set out best practices for achieving good corporate governance in entities falling within the MFSA’s regulatory remit. The objective of the Code is not only to foster trust across the stakeholders which operate under the MFSA’s supervision but also to drive companies towards a more transparent and competitive business environment.
Corporate Governance often referred to as the “System by which the company is directed and controlled” shall, due to the evermoving business environment companies evolve in, be framed yet flexible enough to adapt to business contingencies and ensure the good functioning of the organisation. BDO Malta encourages Authorised Entities to consider Corporate governance as a dynamic tool, the purpose of which is to enhance the organisations’ performance, accountability, transparency, and strategic competitive advantages, leading to added value to the organisation.
How can BDO Help?
BDO Malta’s Risk Advisory team comprises professional resources to conduct a thorough Corporate Governance Health Check that aims at enabling Authorised Entities to identify and remediate any deficiencies within their internal corporate governance framework.