The Corporate Governance Code is articulated around four main principles:
The Effective Board
Internal Controls
Stakeholder management
Corporate Culture, CSR and ESG
These principles are further broken down into subheadings to provide a complete roadmap aimed to drive Authorised Entities throughout the revision of their corporate governance framework. The Code encourages organizations to ensure that adequate controls are in place to achieve a balance between their interests and those of the other stakeholders alongside which they evolve.
At the market level, enhancing organisations’ good corporate governance (read our article: Adopting a robust corporate governance framework) strengthens competitiveness and is beneficial to all players across the board. The MFSA considers good governance as a key enabler for entities to generate business benefits, shareholder value and higher trust, enhancing their strategic competitive advantage. By adhering to and implementing these principles, authorised entities align with the highest standards in the market in terms of corporate governance and raise the standards within their own environment and beyond.